What is Log Analytics and how can it help IT and development staff?

The company that wants to reduce the time to solve problems in applications and systems needs to know what Log Analytics is and how to benefit from the approach.

25 October, 2022

What does your IT and development team do to detect and resolve application and system issues quickly?

Log Analytics is a modern observability approach that, once applied, can help a company identify the root cause of a problem in a networked environment.

If your IT and development team isn't already using this approach, brace yourself!

In this article, we will explain how the procedure works, what are its benefits and how to Vericode, an expert in high-performance computing and software reliability, can ensure a smart approach to Log Analytics. Let's go?

What is Log Analytics?

Log Analytics is the process of viewing, interpreting and querying logarithm data. It serves for development and IT teams to identify problems in networked environments in order to solve them faster.

This is because, even if an alert is issued signaling that something has gone wrong with an application or system, the team will not always be able to point out what was the cause.

In that case, you need to do a thorough investigation to find out what caused the problem and where in the application you need to make changes. And that's where the Log Analytics plays its part.

The approach analyzes all logarithms to extract only useful information about the logs, and this data reveals insights or even critical events related to applications.

Benefits of Log Analytics

The Log Analytics it is very useful for the development and IT team to monitor the applications. However, the approach is not just about that, you know?

The benefits of Log Analytics precede or even replace load tests (Linkar ID 10), since they contribute to what we will see below.

Identification of contention points and areas of optimization

The Log Analytics delivers structured data that contribute to problem solving. Therefore, it is possible to identify what are the points of contention within the application or system, as well as the areas that need to be optimized.

Cost reduction

Another interesting point of Log Analytics is that the procedure does not require a specific test environment, nor the preparation of the mass of data to carry out the analysis. The company can access cloud software that gathers event information across the IT ecosystem.

Optimization in deliveries

Developers are able to increase productivity and reduce delivery times, as they can guarantee more time and availability to concentrate efforts on application development.

User satisfaction

The Log Analytics it allows teams to respond faster to security threats and improve application weaknesses, which reflects on product quality and, consequently, user satisfaction.

What are the challenges of Log Analytics?

As life is not a bed of roses, in Log Analytics, as with any other procedure, this approach also has challenges that can prevent teams from ensuring fast and accurate analysis.

Know some obstacles:

  • Data observation: as companies use thousands of interdependent microservices, accurate observation of data becomes increasingly difficult;
  • Collection and monitoring: many companies have dozens of tools and data collection and monitoring teams, but none of them work in an integrated way or guarantee information in real time;
  • Storage: IT and development teams need to have free access to data, but ensuring this can be a problem if the company does not want to bear the storage costs;
  • Lack of contextualization: without context, teams can analyze the data without knowing for sure if the alerts are related to the operation or performance of the application;
  • Visibility: In some cases, IT and development teams don't understand what the business impacts are, and this can delay repair or resolution of issues;
  • Data deletion: to avoid storage costs, many companies can exclude part of their logs, ignoring the importance that each one of them has in the analysis of applications.

What is the smart approach to Log Analytics?

In this point, it is already noticeable that the Log Analytics can be very beneficial for development and IT teams. However, for the analysis to be a success and really help the company, it is necessary to look for ways to overcome the obstacles mentioned above.

But is there a way to do this and ensure an intelligent approach to Log Analytics? Yes!

Investing in a modern observability solution like Vericode's can provide a broad view of all the company's computational resources, in real time. In addition, ensuring a managerial and analytical view of all services and interfaces in the IT ecosystem.

At Vericode, model mining and data analysis are performed fully automatically. This allows a comparison real time of infrastructure utilization and performance with business variables, which ensures an accurate projection of capacity and availability constraints, in addition to contributing to an intelligent approach to Log Analytics.

For more details about the solution, visit our page and find out how the Vericode approach works!

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