Learn more about CVM 35!

Does your company carry out load tests in stress scenarios? If the answer is no, we will explain why it will be necessary to run tests in 2023, check it out in this article!

15 December, 2022

Does your company carry out load tests in stress scenarios? If the answer is no, we will explain why it will be necessary to run tests in 2023, check it out in this article!

Pursuant to CVM Resolution No. 35/2021, securities brokerages must carry out load tests on post-trade infrastructure in 2023, to present in the BSM audit in 2024. BSM Supervisão de Mercados is a civil association that performs independently the self-regulation of the markets managed by B3, carrying out activities of monitoring, supervision and inspection of the markets and participants.

But why are load tests so important?

Load tests are essential due to stress scenarios, which can happen due to specific market occasions, mainly in demand peaks. Therefore, brokers need to assess their limits for receiving and processing orders in trading and post-trading operations and infrastructure.

In addition, the intermediaries of this process must carry out some responsibilities, such as:

  • A estrutura de tecnologia da informação deve ser compatível com o volume, natureza e complexidade de suas operações, para preservar o atendimento aos clientes, principalmente em períodos de pico de demanda;
  • Technological systems must be submitted to tests at adequate intervals, to verify their functioning in a stress scenario;
  • It is necessary to identify and classify critical business processes and assess the potential effects of interruption of critical processes on its activities;
  • Develop and implement policies and practices to ensure the integrity, security and availability of its critical systems, in addition to establishing guidelines for assessing the relevance of incidents.

Você sabe como vai funcionar cada etapa da CVM-35? 

Em 2022 e 2023 acontece o suporte e orientação aos participantes nos testes de capacidade, com a divulgação do modelo de relatório que deve ser utilizado. 

Já os Testes de Capacidade Pós-negociação em si, precisam ser realizados até o dia 30 de dezembro de 2023 e o Planejamento de Indicadores ficará para o ano de 2024. 

No 1º quadrimestre de 2024, ocorrerá a avaliação da BSM, conhecida como a Auditoria dos Testes de Capacidade, que foi realizada em 2023. 

E, por fim, em 2024, será apresentado a Avaliação do Resultado do Mercado, para planejamento dos próximos Testes de Capacidade. 

How can Vericode help with this process?

Vericode is a consultancy specializing in software engineering that helps in this process and performs load tests on Trading and Post-Trading systems.

After all, nowadays, a performance and speed experience is totally necessary, precisely to keep up with the existing speed in virtual environments.

We offer services that guarantee the good performance of applications, even with large volumes of data and transactions, with capacity, availability, security, scalability, performance, reliability and accessibility, to provide a better experience for users.

Vericode's approach is to offer testing services that validate the scalability and performance of platforms and applications, which maximizes the use of the infrastructure, mainly in stress scenarios, such as:

  • Supporting tests in complex infrastructures such as cloud, mobile;
  • Instrumenting applications, runtimes, agents, proxies and various other techniques to track and determine how the user experience is affected by layers of modern IT;
  • Showing application transaction response time;
  • Utilizing the SoftLayer public cloud to extend load generation capacity as needed;
  • Determining the volume of concurrent users the environment supports, etc.

In addition, there are several accelerators, simulators, bouncers, among other indispensable tools for quickly executing tests and a team entirely specialized in the systematics of the capital market.

Gostou do conteúdo? Então entre em contato e saiba mais!

We can help you with specific packages, for your post-negotiation, in addition to supporting optimization and performance, in an extremely fast and practical way!

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