Do you know what it is and what are the advantages of DevSecOps for your business?
In this article, we'll tell you in depth how DevSecOps works and why Vericode can help you with that, check it out below!
Have you heard about DevSecOps but have no idea what it means and how it can help your company's processes?
It is a very useful security integration, which operates in a fully automated environment and integrated with the IT operations team.
DevSecOps is short for development, security and operations, being a set of practices that help organizations with the protection of their software, infrastructure, applications and data, in order to offer safe and stable support.
This is a natural evolution in the way development organizations approach process security.
The DevSecOps integra a segurança de aplicação em processos e ferramentas Agile e DevOps, abordando os problemas na medida em que eles surgem, o que acaba sendo algo mais rápido e barato de se corrigir, em vez de realizar as correções na entrega final, que acabava encarecendo e dificultando a resolução dos problemas.
Another positive point is that DevSecOps makes infrastructure and application security an overall shared responsibility, as the development and testing teams work seamlessly in an automated environment with the IT operations team.
The cultura DevSecOps atua com a ideia de que desempenho, segurança e confiabilidade do produto é um problema do time todo, fazendo com que os padrões de código sejam mais confiáveis desde a sua primeira linha.
What are the main benefits of DevSecOps?
DevSecOps offers several benefits for the security and speed of infrastructure processes and software operations, check out:
Good value for money
When software is developed with DevSecOps, time is saved, costs are reduced, and the need to repeat processes to correct problems is minimized, unlike software developed in environments without the presence of DevSecops.
Elaborate security
DevSecOps operates with extremely elaborate security processes from the very beginning of the development cycle. Also, issues are checked as soon as they are identified and fixed before other dependencies and complications happen.
It is also important to emphasize that as the teams work together and in an integrated manner, incidents are resolved more quickly.
Agility and vulnerability fixes
Vulnerability patching and management is done quickly and conveniently with DevSecOps as it integrates scanning and patching into the release cycle.
Adaptive process
DevSecOps is an adaptive process, ensuring that security is consistently applied across the entire software environment, even as it changes and meets new requirements.
And how can Vericode help you with DevSecOps?
Vericode guarantees the reliability of the developed software processes, from conception to its instrumented delivery with quality gates (quality policies for the code, based on defined values).
Continuous delivery
The continuous deployment in the DevOps model deals with the automation of processes so that every time a change occurs in the test cycle, it is automatically released in the production environment.
Vericode uses the Atlassian platform and the consultants evaluate together with the client the types of applications and systems needed for each type of automation.
Processes carried out by Vericode:
Configuration Management
Understanding the situation and recommending which settings need to be under version and change control;
Continuous Planning
Vericode works with the Continuous Planning solution, allowing alignment between IT team deliveries and business objectives in general, integrating all processes.
Continuous Integration
Continuous integration serves to minimize the time between the insertion of a defect and the correction, which reduces development deadlines, cost of rework and testing.
Continuous Tests
Vericode delivers continuous testing processes together with automated feedback, in addition to working with strategies that offer quality, agility and cost reduction.
Continuous Release and Deployment
Understanding of the problem situation and recommendations of release management models, more adequate to the client's methodology.
Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe®) is a process orchestration model used by Vericode, for Agile development for complex and large-scale environments, in order to ensure team coordination and delivery of software products with quality and consistency.
Vericode supports the Agile transformation with the implementation of the SAFe 3.0 framework, to provide visibility, communication, transparency and team management in the software development process.
Want to know more about the advantages of DevSecOps for your business?
Get in touch with our experts and get all your questions answered!