Vericode Ranked Rising Star in ISG Providers Lens™ Study

In addition to earning a Rising Star rating, Vericode was also named a Product Challenger in the Application Quality Assurance category.

The pandemic accelerated digital transformation in companies and boosted the growth of many digital services in Brazil, including continuous testing. Through these changes, there was also an increase in the number of new players in the market, which is becoming increasingly competitive.

In this sense, we can highlight Vericode, a company with 15 years in the market, which has its own quality management technology for evaluating software capacity and performance. It has been evaluated and ranked as a Rising Star in the ISG quadrant that evaluates Continuous Testing Specialists (Continuous Testing Service Providers).

This Next-gen Application Development & Maintenace (ADM) Services (ADM) Services study, carried out by ISG Research, analyzes and ranks the most relevant Brazilian software providers based on a survey carried out using the company's own methodology, which is a global leader in technology research. and consulting.

Ratings that attest to the company's position

In addition to earning a Rising Star rating, Vericode was also named a Product Challenger in the Application Quality Assurance category.

“Vericode is a new player that brings solid market experience to success in testing and quality control services”, says Pedro L. Bicudo Maschio, ISG Executive Consultant and author of the study.

Vericode's position in the ISG report attests that the company specializes in automating the execution of tests to guarantee, in a continuous way, the ability to deliver applications to companies.e”, says Pedro L. Bicudo Maschio, Executive Consultant at ISG and author of the study.

As organizações consideradas Rising Stars, de acordo com o relatório da ISG, são aquelas que dentro de um ano, possuem grande chance de se tornarem líderes de mercado, e por isso, merecem atenção e confiança.

According to Marcelo Marchi, CEO of Vericode, this classification “represents the result of a lot of effort, research and hard work carried out with our customers, which allowed us to use their success stories to recognize our quality as a continuous testing company. The ISG classification is also the result of our journey as a company, which today is more robust and mature. We are motivated to achieve leadership in the category to better serve our customers and the Brazilian market”.

Learn more about Vericode

The Vericode é uma consultoria de engenharia de software de alto desempenho, com 15 anos de mercado, especializada em metodologias de QA, testes e otimização de aplicações, arquitetura e infraestrutura com foco em melhoria de performance, disponibilidade, resiliência e transformação digital das aplicações de clientes.

In its portfolio, we can still highlight several solutions:

  • DevSecOps;
  • FinOps;
  • Source code evaluation;
  • Automated tests;
  • Load and stress tests;
  • Security tests;
  • Vulnerability analysis;
  • Virtualization and mockups;
  • Capacity planning;
  • Development of customized solutions;
  • Co-innovation;
  • Log analysis and site reliability engineering (SRE).

Its quality control, with its own methodology, aims at launching software free of bugs in its first version. In addition, the company works closely with customers to apply best practices to their software engineering process, building quality into every step, including DevOps and security.

Vericode also has an innovation laboratory in partnership with FIPP/Unoeste, a university of Technology, which adds knowledge and increases delivery capacity.

Atualmente, a empresa possui 200 colaboradores, atuando com uma base de parceiros que incluem RedHat, Grafana, Harness Devops, Atlassian, Dynatrace, AppScan, Kryptus, Lina Infratech, entre outros.

Its client portfolio includes major brands such as Banco do Brasil, B3, XP Investimentos, CERC, BTG Pactual, Safra, Bradesco, Via Varejo, GPA, Carrefour, Valor Econômico, Ipiranga, Globo, Anbima, Omni banco, BNP Paribas, BLK.

And you, do you want to know more about Vericode or do you need a specialist to create solutions for your company? Get in touch and talk with a Vericoder.

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